Self-introduction of Feiron Iguista

Hi there!_👋

My name is Feiron Iguista. I'm currently a C# Learner & Developer_
I'm a member of Corona Studio (Github), as a translator, Minecraft server operator, community administrator and web front-end developer.
Here is my GitHub Profile: LINK, and my public contact is HERE

Greetings! I'm frig and Currently I'm a college student in Wuhan. My blog should be located at but unfortunately, currently it's down. When I make it come back online, will be the day my BlogFrame "Sharlog" come to public. I'm just a simple one in this world and fortunately born in someplace very peaceful and my family raise me up. I'm currently healthy and have a communism passion to build and develop my home.

I'm always trying to be better, funnier and more enabled. As usual normal people, I prefer to play games (on E-Devices of cource, but still have some hobbies beside those electronics. like saxophone, and writting. ) about RPG, Sandbox, puzzle, PVE-FPS, OpenWorlds, and racing(Forza Horizon), simulating(MS Flight Sim.). You can see my Games Here And I got interested in transportation like trains sth etc. And I said I'm XDressing person1 here in my tags, so I got pretty a little fine photos of me as male -- and female forsure XD. In my judgement my works are not funky or gross, just taking fun. awa. not quite important I think.

Thought, I still have a priority in mind. People and society can develop scientifically and efficiently is always first. Doing my like mainly and realize social value of mine is charming, I think that's why I love socialism. To protect my rights, I prefer to laborate and protect my homeland, while with my motherland to boost entire world united while pluralistic.

So, will you prefer to be my companion?


Page Last Update: 2024-Mar-19, 23:33, UTC+8
Page Tech: TailwindCSSjQueryPureH5
Page Info: This is simply a page to show informations, to introduce.
Got some dizzy in my expression? I will explain in Footnote, and sorry for my cause of misunderstanding, I'm always not good in English.
Everyone developing relationships with me requires a patient of waiting for my observation. I believe you will need to observe me too. That won't cause p2p hurtings, and meanwhile, can prevent something disgraceful happen.

And... for sure, I need to know YOUr character more!

Currently Skill(s)...

Skript HTML JS CSS:Tailwind CSS:Bootstrap Blazor Java

Can never say that I'm totally able to use sth. here cus LEARN TILL OLD! Everything still on going!

Also Learning:

Razor NL:Russian NL:Latin NL:Japanese Swift TypeScript BukkitAPI Linux(Kali) VocalOptimize AvaloniaUI

Still finding something that I interested in! And I will pretty do hard on it if this can help people!

Funny Facts

Feiron Iguista got a nickname preference...
(or, as FI already said, everyone can call em in multiforms and all reacted address name called made sence, so this 'preference' is better to be named as 'suggestion') : If you think FI is a GIRL, please call her "Croissant(可颂)"; or, if you think FI is a BOY, please call him "Baguette(法棍)". Still, generally, FI is not a blu-pink-white-pink-blu.

The Baguetté Day!...
Each Sept. 19th ~ Sept. 21st are Baguette Festival:
foreach: Sept. 20th: Baguetté Day. This day we eat Baguettes and noodles //
foreach: Aug. 24th: Tiny Baguetté Day or Croissant Day. This day we eat Croissants and Roasted Muttons //
foreach: Sept. 22nd: Assumption of Saint Virgin(Ótome) Croissant. This day we eat Dumplings and Burgers //

Nav to my Tools:

All of those are almostly pure-front-end tools. All served on my Github Pages.

Self Tagging =

Althought A person cannot be concluded by tiny tags, but this can help you know about me roughly quick. Just like a computer drawing a circle starts from polygons till nearly a round-round-circle.

Marxist Liberal-Arts AntiImperialism Inves.&Verif. XDressing AntiLiberalism Socialist Passion WHU2 Classical Party! Lang Enthusiasm Zhongyong

Working on---

Recently doing something around C# and H5, perhaps this situation will keep to the future. After I became a teacher maybe I will try to develop something'n my own hand, and contribute some opensources? If they don't give me the cold-shoulder because my codes. www

Sharlog WIP

A Blazor Share-oriented Blog Framework.

PyskVolist WIP

A vocabulary list generator for Russian Language teaching, but not only for Russian languange...

Mladilink WIP

A Short-link forwarder work with domain!

CalendarRealCount MIT

A simple Skript script to let your Minecraft server count days as real life XD CSPriv

Corona Studio Official Site. Blazor.WASM, Full Functioned stuff. CSPriv

Corona Studio Minimal Official Advertising Site.


CS Knownledge Base Contents and Documentations. Using VitePress as framework. You may contribute with us throught: Docs' repo.

But currently I'm working on some team works. They're usually saved as private repos so there won't show them.

Intro of games I play!


XBox: FrigAuraAero
Steam: mafuloandctvs


Forza Horizon 4&5: ^XBox
GTA OL: AshFeiron
Genshin(CN): Fuiki
Minecraft: francoisifrig


Hey if any game is cheap and funny please let me know! If can play with others without E-sports combats that will be pretty nice!
/* Yeah I really hate ESPORTS. And fighting with rough words.3 */

Recently play on steam: Insurgency:SandstormProjectZomboidHumanFallFlat

Connect mne;

All of my public socialNet
Plat. Acco.
VK @frigdec
Bilibili 法產沃斯科貨艦
HiNative frigeso

Attention! NEITHER TWITTER NOR FACEBOOK do I have4. If you need other method of contact, please use one of them first and let me observe you for a while.